Colonel Anil A Athale (Retd)

Stories by Colonel Anil A Athale (Retd)

Trump may sow seeds for another 9/11

Trump may sow seeds for another 9/11   20 May 2017

'History will repeat itself after a decade or so and historians will point to the folly of May 2017 as the event that sowed the seeds of another 9/11,' warns Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Make no mistake, we are at war!

Make no mistake, we are at war!   11 May 2017

'India has both the wherewithal and the will to fight the enemy, but is living in a make believe world of its own since it is yet to accept that it is indeed at war,' says military historian Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Can Pakistan do a 'Bangladesh' in Kashmir?

Can Pakistan do a 'Bangladesh' in Kashmir?   4 May 2017

'The Pakistan army feels it can inflict a similar defeat on India in Kashmir and make it "India's Bangladesh".' 'But comparing Bangladesh of 1971 with the Kashmir valley of 2017 is like equating chalk and cheese!'

For the thuggish Naxalites, revolution is a pretence

For the thuggish Naxalites, revolution is a pretence   25 Apr 2017

'The Naxalite strategy is to periodically attack police forces to provoke a reaction.' 'Once the security forces over-react and cause suffering to innocents by high-handed actions, the people will be alienated and support the revolution.' 'This appears to be the Naxalites' strategy and hence, their recent brutal killings of policemen,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Soul of the army and spirit of the nation

Soul of the army and spirit of the nation   21 Mar 2017

'The vocal pacifists who monopolise the media in India need to answer a simple question: Would they have the Taliban or ISIS take over Kashmir or the rest of the country or let the army do its duty so that we are safe in our beds and free to demonise the soldiers in our cozy drawing rooms and television studios,' asks Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Trump won't shy away from acting against Pakistan

Trump won't shy away from acting against Pakistan   8 Feb 2017

'Even if someone other than Trump had become president, the US distancing from Pakistan and coming closer to India was already set in motion.' 'With Trump openly declaring his intent to take on Islamic extremism, the days of US political correctness are over,' says Colonel (Dr) Anil A Athale (retd).

How demonetisation will stop terror funding

How demonetisation will stop terror funding   29 Nov 2016

One thing is certain: Demonetisation has broken the back of terror funding, says Colonel Anil A Athale.

A permanent state of war with Pakistan is to be expected

A permanent state of war with Pakistan is to be expected   25 Nov 2016

'India has to understand that the permanent state of war that exists between India and Pakistan has to be expected,,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd). 'The only way to ensure peace or absence of war is to maintain a militarily-dominant position over Pakistan.'

If Pakistan escalates, it'll lose more than India

If Pakistan escalates, it'll lose more than India   30 Sep 2016

'The interesting point about the choice of the area for the surgical strikes is that it is the most sensitive part of the Line of Control,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Why containment of Pakistan is better than war

Why containment of Pakistan is better than war   21 Sep 2016

'Terrorism is merely a symptom of a deeper disease in Pakistan's body politic,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Pakistan tends to resemble a suicide bomber

Pakistan tends to resemble a suicide bomber   18 Sep 2016

'The only effective defence against a suicide attack is 'pre-emptive' destruction of the attacker,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Balochistan: Why Modi's speech is a game-changer

Balochistan: Why Modi's speech is a game-changer   6 Sep 2016

'Even if it is difficult to replicate Bangladesh, India can cause sufficient turmoil in Pakistan to keep it off balance,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

India must hold its nerve in Kashmir

India must hold its nerve in Kashmir   11 Aug 2016

There is a great danger of the government getting stampeded into actions in Kashmir that could result in long lasting damage, warns Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Kashmir's choices: Peace or a 1,000-year war

Kashmir's choices: Peace or a 1,000-year war   11 Jul 2016

'The Kashmiri identity and its unique blend of Sufi Islam, its culture and language can best survive in a plural and secular India.' 'Neither independence nor merger with Pakistan can achieve that objective.' 'Peace will return to Kashmir only when Kashmiris realise this, else they will be part of the 1,000- year war,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Why the 1972 Shimla accord was a disaster

Why the 1972 Shimla accord was a disaster   2 Jul 2016

'Indira Gandhi proved herself a great war leader, but failed as a statesman,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Time to return to Krishna's ways

Time to return to Krishna's ways   3 Jun 2016

'The Gita was propounded on a battlefield and regards the use of force to establish Dharma or righteousness, as not only legitimate but one's highest duty,' says Colonel Anil Athale (retd).

Why 'Make in India', why not Create in India?

Why 'Make in India', why not Create in India?   19 Apr 2016

The real issue in India is not between Make or Made/Create in India or basic or applied research. We need both. The solution is to create an eco-system where new ideas can flourish and convert themselves into new technologies and products, says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

The Nuclear Security Summit ignored Pakistan's threat

The Nuclear Security Summit ignored Pakistan's threat   14 Apr 2016

'Pakistan has been successful in convincing the rest of the world that the Pakistani nuclear terrorists are meant to target only India. This is myopia at its worst,' says Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

We must guard against ISIS clones in India

We must guard against ISIS clones in India   25 Mar 2016

'Increasingly, there is a tendency to magnify 'victimhood' of the minority for electoral gains and vote bank politics.'
'There is no doubt that there is a worldwide rise in Islamophobia. There is a tendency amongst some in India to react to this in the Indian milieu,' says Colonel Anil A Athale(retd).

JNU students challenge the Indian State, not the government

JNU students challenge the Indian State, not the government   19 Feb 2016

Do the students who chanted pro-separatist slogans and their teachers/supporters want the army to withdraw from Kashmir or not fight the terrorists?